Interior tips: Smart speakers – are they even useful?

10.01.2024 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Nowadays, you can choose from many smart gadgets for home – they can actually make your life amazing!

While smart speakers can be quite beneficial for some people, they can be useless for others, so it's up to you to decide whether you need one.

Here are a few benefits of smart speakers you can enjoy.

Voice control

With a smart speaker, you can control various devices and functions in your home just by using your voice. 

You can ask it to play music, adjust the volume, turn lights on or off, set timers, and even answer questions.


Hands-free convenience

Instead of manually operating devices, a smart speaker allows you to control them without using your hands. 

This can be especially helpful when your hands are busy or if you have limited mobility.

Information and answers

You can ask the smart speaker questions and get instant answers. 

It can provide you with weather updates, news briefings, sports scores, and other useful information without needing to search for it manually.

Entertainment and music

A smart speaker can play your favorite music, playlists, or podcasts on demand. 

You can also ask it to stream music from popular services like Spotify or play radio stations.

Smart home integration

Many smart speakers can connect and control other devices in your smart home system. 

You can sync it with compatible devices like smart bulbs, thermostats, or security cameras, allowing you to control them all from one central device.

Reminders and scheduling

You can set reminders, create to-do lists, or schedule events using your smart speaker. 

It can help you stay organized and remember important tasks or appointments.

Voice assistance

Smart speakers often come with built-in voice assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. 

These assistants can perform tasks like setting alarms, sending messages, making phone calls, or even ordering items online, all through voice commands.

Previously, we talked about work place for a laptop.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Voice control
  2. Hands-free convenience
  3. Information and answers
  4. Entertainment and music
  5. Smart home integration
  6. Reminders and scheduling
  7. Voice assistance