Make your house value more: Interior design tips

20.11.2023 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

There are plenty of things about your house that you can't control, like your address or neighbors.

Meanwhile, some remodelings and good interior design choices can make your house value way more.

Here are some tips that might help you.

Detailed Cleaning

Beyond tidying up, consider a deep clean. Pay attention to details like baseboards, grout, and fixtures. 

A squeaky-clean house signals that it's well-maintained.


Accent Walls

Introduce accent walls with a pop of color. This can add visual interest and character to rooms, making them memorable for potential buyers.

Quality Flooring

If your budget allows, invest in quality flooring. Hardwood floors or high-end laminate can be an attractive selling point.

Energy-Efficient Upgrades

Consider energy-efficient upgrades like LED lighting, smart thermostats, or energy-efficient appliances. 

These not only appeal to eco-conscious buyers but also showcase modern amenities.

Bathroom Refresh

Upgrade bathroom fixtures such as faucets, showerheads, and towel racks. 

A spa-like atmosphere, even on a small scale, can add perceived value.

Window Treatments

Install attractive window treatments. Well-chosen curtains or blinds can complement the decor and control natural light effectively.

Furniture Arrangement

Arrange furniture to create inviting conversation areas. This helps buyers visualize how they can use the space for socializing and relaxation.

Art and Decor

Thoughtful art and decor can elevate a space. Choose pieces that complement the style of each room without overwhelming it.

Professional Staging

If feasible, consider professional staging. Stagers know how to highlight a home's strengths and downplay its weaknesses, maximizing its appeal.

Smart Home Features

Integrate smart home features like a programmable thermostat or smart locks. These modern conveniences can be appealing to tech-savvy buyers.

Create Functional Spaces

Clearly define the purpose of each room. If you have an odd space, consider staging it to showcase its potential use.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Detailed Cleaning
  2. Accent Walls
  3. Quality Flooring
  4. Energy-Efficient Upgrades
  5. Bathroom Refresh
  6. Window Treatments
  7. Furniture Arrangement
  8. Art and Decor
  9. Professional Staging
  10. Smart Home Features
  11. Create Functional Spaces