Things you shouldn't use as decorations for your interior design: Unsafe and controversial

16.07.2023 07:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

While some unusual decorations can show your personality in your interior design, it doesn't mean you should use them.

It's better to choose carefully what decorations you want to display in your house.

Let's find out more.

Sharp or Fragile Objects

Decorative items with sharp edges or delicate materials should be used with caution or avoided altogether, especially in households with children or pets. 

These objects can easily break, causing injuries or creating hazardous situations.


Offensive or Controversial Decor

It's important to be mindful of the decor's impact on others. 

Avoid displaying items that may be offensive, culturally insensitive, or promote discrimination. 

Opt for inclusive and respectful decorations that create a welcoming environment for everyone.

Excessive Clutter

Overloading your space with too many decorations can create a cluttered and chaotic atmosphere. 

Poorly Executed DIY Projects

While do-it-yourself (DIY) projects can be fun and creative, poorly executed or unstable DIY decorations can detract from the overall aesthetic and pose safety risks. 

Overly Trendy Items

Decorations that are overly trendy can quickly go out of style, making your space feel dated. 

Instead, focus on timeless and classic design elements that can withstand changing trends and provide a more enduring appeal.

Cheap and Low-Quality Items

These items often lack durability, may not withstand regular use, and can contribute to a cheap and temporary feel within your space.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Sharp or Fragile Objects
  2. Offensive or Controversial Decor
  3. Excessive Clutter
  4. Overly Trendy Items
  5. Cheap and Low-Quality Items