Wall-mounted TV: Pros and cons

14.08.2023 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Wall-mounted TVs offer several advantages and disadvantages compared to other TV placement options. 

Here's a breakdown of the pros and cons of wall-mounted TVs.

Let's start with pros.

Space Saving

Wall-mounted TVs free up valuable floor space, creating a cleaner and more open look in the room. 

This is especially beneficial in smaller living spaces.

interior tv


Wall-mounted TVs have a sleek and modern appearance that can enhance the overall aesthetics of a room. 

They contribute to a minimalist and clutter-free design.

Optimal Viewing Height

When properly mounted at eye level, wall-mounted TVs provide a more comfortable and immersive viewing experience. 

This can reduce neck strain and enhance overall enjoyment.


Wall mounting eliminates the risk of TV stands or cabinets being knocked over, especially in households with young children or pets.

Cable Management

With proper cable management solutions, wall-mounted TVs can achieve a clean and organized look, hiding unsightly cables and wires.

Now, let's talk about cons.

Installation Complexity

Properly mounting a TV on the wall requires careful installation, including drilling into the wall, ensuring proper anchoring, and concealing cables. 

It may require some DIY skills or the help of a professional.

Permanent Placement

Once a TV is wall-mounted, its location becomes more fixed. 

This could limit your ability to rearrange furniture or room layout in the future.


Mounting hardware, brackets, and any professional installation services can add to the cost of setting up a wall-mounted TV.

Restricted Viewing Angles

Depending on the wall's position and the TV's tilt capabilities, wall-mounted TVs might have limited viewing angles compared to TVs placed on furniture.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Space Saving
  2. Aesthetics
  3. Optimal Viewing Height
  4. Safety
  5. Cable Management
  6. Installation Complexity
  7. Permanent Placement
  8. Cost
  9. Restricted Viewing Angles