When your house design is overloaded: Interior mistakes

24.11.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you're actually into style personalization, then you might try using all the ideas you like at once - and it's not always a great thing.

While interior design can be quite creative and forgiving in terms of improvisation and combination, you shouldn't overload it.

Here are a few signs that you probably should make your design simpler.

Furniture Overload

If your room is packed with furniture, each piece competes for attention. 

It's like trying to fit too many ingredients into a recipe – it becomes overwhelming, and you can't appreciate the individual flavors.


Color and Pattern Overwhelm

Having too many colors and patterns is like using too many spices in a dish. It can be confusing and make it hard to focus. 

Stick to a few main colors and patterns to create a harmonious look.

Lack of Coherence

If your room lacks a clear theme or style, it might feel like a random collection rather than a cohesive design. 

It's akin to mixing various art styles in a gallery without a common thread.

Limited Breathing Space

When your room is filled to the brim, it can feel cramped. It's like a crowded street where it's hard to move freely. 

Make sure there's enough space to navigate and that your furniture allows for easy movement.

Visual Clutter

Too many decorations and accessories can create visual clutter. 

It's like a shelf filled with too many knick-knacks – individual items lose their significance.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Furniture Overload
  2. Color and Pattern Overwhelm
  3. Lack of Coherence
  4. Limited Breathing Space
  5. Visual Clutter