Why you should try maximalism in your interior design: It's time to express yourself

02.07.2023 19:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Minimalism used to be trendy, but now people seem to get too tired of it.

Now, people want to express themselves through their interiors, show their personality, tastes, and preferences. 

Here are a few benefits of maximalism.

Express your personality

Maximalism allows you to showcase your unique personality and interests through your home decor. 

It gives you the freedom to curate a space that truly reflects who you are, creating a visually stimulating environment that tells your story.


Embrace creativity and individuality

It invites you to experiment with different colors, patterns, textures, and styles, creating an eclectic and visually captivating space that stands out from the crowd.

Create a sense of abundance

From an array of decorative objects to an extensive art collection, maximalism creates a sense of opulence and richness in your living space.

Enhance visual interest

By incorporating multiple layers, colors, and textures, maximalism adds depth and visual interest to your interior. 

Curate a cozy and welcoming environment

By combining various textiles, such as plush rugs, luxurious curtains, and cozy throw pillows, you can evoke a sense of comfort and coziness. 

Celebrate the beauty of collections

If you have a passion for collecting unique items or have inherited meaningful heirlooms, maximalism provides an excellent opportunity to display and celebrate these treasures. 

Embrace eclecticism

Maximalism embraces the idea of mixing and matching different styles, eras, and influences. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Express your personality
  2. Embrace creativity and individuality
  3. Create a sense of abundance
  4. Enhance visual interest
  5. Curate a cozy and welcoming environment
  6. Celebrate the beauty of collections
  7. Embrace eclecticism