You don't need too many decorative pillows in your living room: Interior tips

16.06.2023 05:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Decorative pillows can make your living room look cozy and cute, but they can also create some additional problems.

If you don't want to have high-maintenance decorations, or don't like the idea of creating visual clutter, then you probably shouldn't buy too many of these pillows.

Here are some main reasons, why.

Space utilization

Decorative pillows occupy valuable seating space in your living room. 

If you have too many pillows, it can be challenging to find a comfortable spot to sit and relax. 


Maintenance and cleaning

Each pillow requires regular fluffing, adjusting, and occasional washing. 

Having an excessive number of decorative pillows can become time-consuming and burdensome to keep them looking fresh and clean.

Visual clutter

A cluttered living room with an abundance of decorative pillows can create visual chaos. 

It can make the space feel crowded and overwhelming, affecting the overall harmony and tranquility of the room. 


Too many pillows can make it difficult to find a comfortable spot to sit, or can be cumbersome to move around when you want to relax or entertain guests.

Flexibility and versatility

Limiting the number of decorative pillows provides flexibility in terms of rearranging furniture or changing the room's layout. 

Focus on quality over quantity

Instead of having numerous decorative pillows, focus on selecting high-quality pillows that complement your overall decor. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Space utilization
  2. Maintenance and cleaning
  3. Visual clutter
  4. Practicality
  5. Flexibility and versatility
  6. Focus on quality over quantity