Cleaning your laptop easily: Housekeeping tips

13.12.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Nowadays, there are plenty of special cleaning solutions designed specifically for talking good care of your gadgets and electronic devices.

But what if you have to clean your laptop, but you don't have any special cleaning chemicals to do it?

Here are a few tips on how to clean your laptop safely with what you already have at home.

Gather Cleaning Materials

Grab a microfiber or lint-free cloth, cotton swabs, and a can of compressed air. 

These common household items will help remove dust and dirt without the need for special cleaning solutions.


Dust Removal with Compressed Air

Use short bursts of compressed air to blow away dust from the keyboard, ports, and vents. 

Hold the fans in place to prevent them from spinning during the cleaning.

Keyboard Crumb Shake

Hold your laptop at a slight angle and gently shake it to dislodge any crumbs or debris from the keyboard. 

This helps prevent particles from getting lodged in between the keys.

Microfiber Cloth for Screens

For the screen, lightly dampen a microfiber cloth with water. Ensure the cloth is not dripping wet. 

Wipe the screen in gentle, circular motions to remove fingerprints and smudges.

Cotton Swabs for Detailing

Dip a cotton swab in water and carefully clean between the keys, around the trackpad, and other hard-to-reach areas. 

Be cautious not to let excess water seep into the internal components.

Vent Detailing

If your laptop has vents, use a cotton swab to gently clean the edges. 

Ensure not to push dust further into the laptop; instead, try to lift it away.

Exterior Wipe Down

Dampen the microfiber cloth slightly and wipe down the exterior of the laptop. 

This helps remove fingerprints and general surface dirt. Avoid excessive moisture.

Let it Dry

Allow your laptop to air dry for a few minutes before turning it back on. 

Ensure that all components are completely dry to prevent any potential damage.

Previously, we talked about removing scratches from glass.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Gather Cleaning Materials
  2. Dust Removal with Compressed Air
  3. Keyboard Crumb Shake
  4. Microfiber Cloth for Screens
  5. Cotton Swabs for Detailing
  6. Vent Detailing
  7. Exterior Wipe Down
  8. Let it Dry