For wet cleaning, you will need a neutral soap solution and a suede sponge and a fleecy cloth.
When carrying out wet cleaning, treat the place of contamination with a solution using a sponge.
After that, take a fluffy cloth and blot thoroughly. Dry your shoes at room temperature.

What is the best way to care for suede shoes
For cleaning suede and nubuck shoes, we recommend using specialized brushes.
The odd-looking rubber/crepe brush is good for deep cleaning and smoothing piles, but it's harsh, so it's not worth scrubbing shoes with it often.
How to remove dirt from suede shoes
Soap and water are mixed in a ratio of 1: 2, whip the solution into a strong foam. With a clean, dry sponge, apply it to the shoes, trying not to wet the material.
After processing, blot suede shoes with paper towels, dry in natural conditions, straighten the pile with a brush.
To clean suede from shiny spots, you can use a regular stationery eraser.
They just need to rub the contaminated places - the dirt will gently roll off, leaving a completely clean suede surface.
You can clean the thing with starch or talc, tooth powder is also suitable.
How to remove dirt from light suede
It is advised to remove dirt from the surface of suede with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. To do this, take a teaspoon of alcohol and peroxide, mix with 250 ml of plain water.
An ordinary sponge is wetted in the resulting liquid, dirt is removed from the shoes with light movements (the sponge must first be squeezed out).