Getting rid of closet moles: Housekeeping tips

04.10.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Moles are extremely unpleasant pests that can damage your food and clothes.

Closet moles can hide really well, and though they don't damage your food, they can also cause lots of harm.

Here are a few tips on how to keep your clothes safe.

Remove Affected Clothes

Take out all the clothes from your closet, especially the ones with mole damage. Put them in a separate bag for cleaning.

Clean Your Closet

Vacuum or wipe down the shelves, corners, and crevices in your closet to remove any moles or their eggs. Moles like dark and hidden spaces.


Wash Your Clothes

Wash the affected clothes in hot water. The high temperature will kill moles and their eggs. Dry them on high heat as well.

Use Mothballs or Cedar

Mothballs or cedar products can deter moles. Place them in your closet to keep moles away. Remember to follow safety instructions for mothballs.

Seal Cracks and Holes

Check for any openings in your closet where moles could enter. Seal these gaps with caulk or tape.

Regular Cleaning

Moles are attracted to dirty and undisturbed areas. Clean your closet regularly and move your clothes around so moles won't settle in.

Consider Professional Help

If the mole problem is severe and DIY methods don't work, you might need to call a pest control professional.


If you can't prevent moles, then use these tips on how to get rid of them effectively!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Remove Affected Clothes
  2. Clean Your Closet
  3. Wash Your Clothes
  4. Use Mothballs or Cedar
  5. Seal Cracks and Holes
  6. Regular Cleaning
  7. Consider Professional Help
  8. Conclusion