Getting rid of old limescale in your toilet: Housekeeping tips

02.12.2023 06:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

It's always easier to get rid of smaller stains, but what can you do if the problem is big and old?

You can't just immediately get rid of old limescale in your toilet , and that's when lots of people feel helpless, because the stains simply don't disappear.

Here are a few tips that might help you.

Pour White Vinegar

Pour about two cups of white vinegar into the toilet bowl. Make sure it covers the limescale stains.

Let It Soak

Let the vinegar sit in the toilet for at least 30 minutes. You can leave it overnight for more severe limescale.


Scrub with Toilet Brush

After soaking, scrub the toilet bowl with a toilet brush. Focus on the areas with limescale. The vinegar helps loosen the deposits.

Use a Pumice Stone

If there are still stubborn stains, wet a pumice stone in water and gently scrub the limescale. Be cautious not to scratch the toilet bowl surface.

Flush the Toilet

Flush the toilet to wash away the loosened limescale and vinegar residue.

Repeat if Necessary

For tough limescale, you may need to repeat the process. Multiple applications can gradually break down the deposits.

Create a Vinegar Paste

For extra-stubborn stains, make a paste using baking soda and white vinegar. Apply the paste to the stains, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then scrub.

Prevent Future Buildup

Consider using a limescale prevention product or placing a toilet bowl cleaner tablet in the tank. 

Regular cleaning helps prevent limescale from building up again.

Use Commercial Cleaners (Optional)

If natural methods don't work, you can try commercial limescale removers. 

Follow the instructions on the product carefully and use it in a well-ventilated area.

Wear Gloves and Ventilate

When using cleaning products, wear rubber gloves to protect your hands, and make sure the bathroom is well-ventilated to avoid inhaling fumes.

Check Water Quality

Consider installing a water softener if you consistently experience limescale issues. Softened water is less likely to leave deposits.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Pour White Vinegar
  2. Let It Soak
  3. Scrub with Toilet Brush
  4. Use a Pumice Stone
  5. Flush the Toilet
  6. Repeat if Necessary
  7. Create a Vinegar Paste
  8. Prevent Future Buildup
  9. Use Commercial Cleaners (Optional)
  10. Wear Gloves and Ventilate
  11. Check Water Quality