Getting rid of vespiary: Housekeeping mistakes

15.11.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Wasps can be dangerous - especially when they are pissed off and want revenge because you bother them.

Therefore, you should get rid of the vespiaries, and you should do it effective and quickly, or they can cause lots of damage.

Here are a few mistakes that can make your local vespiary really dangerous.

Disturbing the Nest Without a Plan

If you see a vespiary, don't just hit it or try to knock it down without a plan. Wasps can get defensive, and you might get stung.

Using Ineffective Sprays

Not all insect sprays work well on wasps. 


Using the wrong spray or not following the instructions can be ineffective and might not get rid of the nest.

Working Without Protective Gear

Trying to remove a vespiary without protective clothing is risky. 

Wasps can become aggressive if they feel threatened, and protective gear can prevent stings.

Ignoring Allergic Reactions

Some people are allergic to wasp stings. 

If you get stung and experience difficulty breathing or other severe reactions, don't ignore it. Seek medical help immediately.

Removing the Nest at the Wrong Time

Trying to get rid of the nest during the day might not be the best idea since wasps are most active then.

It's usually safer to remove it at night when they are less active.

Incomplete Nest Removal

If you don't remove the entire nest, wasps may return, and the problem continues. Make sure to remove the entire nest carefully.

DIY Attempts Without Experience

Sometimes, it's better to call a professional. Trying to handle a vespiary without experience can be dangerous. 

Professionals know the best methods to get rid of nests safely.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Disturbing the Nest Without a Plan
  2. Using Ineffective Sprays
  3. Working Without Protective Gear
  4. Ignoring Allergic Reactions
  5. Removing the Nest at the Wrong Time
  6. Incomplete Nest Removal
  7. DIY Attempts Without Experience