Jeans often have greasy stains from cooking or eating. Removing grease stains is not as easy as it seems. It is important to know about some of the nuances.
How to remove grease stains from jeans
Turn the jeans inside out, fold a white cloth and place it on the right side under the stain. Dampen a cotton pad with gasoline and wipe the stain.
Movements should be directed from the edge of the spot to the middle. Then the jeans must be completely washed.
Acetone nail polish remover. The product should be applied to the oil stain with a sponge, left for 15-20 minutes, then washed with powder. This product is especially good at removing greasy stains from high-density fabrics.
If you sprinkle soda on a greasy stain, and then walk with a hot iron, it will disappear as if by magic. If it didn’t go away, pour the soda again and go through the iron again, after that there will be nothing left for sure.
How to get stains out of light jeans
In this case, a solution of vinegar (9%) or baking soda is useful. The thing is either soaked in vinegar for an hour and a half, or soda paste is applied to the stain. Then the jeans should be thoroughly rinsed and washed. Fresh wine stains can be sprinkled with salt, then treated with any stain remover.