Housekeeping tips: Cat litter smell – get rid of it!

27.01.2024 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Cat owners often stop noticing the smell of their cats' litter boxes, but others don't – so it's better to fix it!

While it's almost impossible to get rid of the smell right after the cat uses its litter box, you can at least eliminate the rest of the smell.

Here are some tips on how to do it.


Scoop Daily

Scoop the litter box daily to remove your cat's waste. This helps prevent the odor from building up.

Replace Regularly

Change the cat litter regularly, following the recommendations on the product. Fresh litter helps control odor.

Baking Soda

Sprinkle a layer of baking soda on the bottom of the litter box before adding fresh litter. Baking soda absorbs odors.

Activated Charcoal

Place a few pieces of activated charcoal in the litter box. Charcoal is known for its odor-absorbing properties.


Ensure good ventilation in the area where the litter box is placed. Fresh air helps disperse odors.

Use Odor-Control Litter

Choose cat litter labeled as odor-control. These litters often contain ingredients to minimize smells.

Litter Box Liner

Consider using a liner in the litter box. This makes it easier to clean, reducing odor buildup.

Wash the Box

Wash the litter box regularly with mild soap and water. A clean box is less likely to produce strong odors.

Air Fresheners

Place cat-friendly air fresheners near the litter box, but make sure they are safe for cats.

Monitor Your Cat's Health

Sometimes, changes in your cat's health can affect the smell of their waste. If you notice a sudden change, consult with a veterinarian.

Previously, we talked about taking care of leather jackets.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Scoop Daily
  2. Replace Regularly
  3. Baking Soda
  4. Activated Charcoal
  5. Ventilation
  6. Use Odor-Control Litter
  7. Litter Box Liner
  8. Wash the Box
  9. Air Fresheners
  10. Monitor Your Cat's Health