Housekeeping tips: Taking good care of knitted sweaters

14.01.2024 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Knitted sweaters are cozy and simply beautiful, and they can also last for decades, especially if you take good care of them.

Depending on material and type of your sweater, it might require different types of care and maintenance from you.

Here are some general tips on how to keep your favorite sweater pretty for years.


Read the care instructions

Check the label or any accompanying information that came with your sweater. 

It will provide specific instructions on how to care for your knitted item.

Hand wash or use a gentle cycle

Knitted sweaters are often delicate, so it's best to hand wash them or use the gentle cycle of your washing machine. 

This helps prevent stretching or damaging the fabric.

Use cold water

When washing your sweater, use cold water instead of hot water. Cold water helps preserve the shape and color of the knit.

Use a mild detergent

Choose a mild detergent suitable for delicate fabrics. Avoid harsh chemicals or bleach, as they can damage the fibers of the sweater.

Gently wash and rinse

Gently agitate the sweater in the water, making sure to distribute the detergent evenly. Rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue.

Do not wring or twist

After washing, avoid wringing or twisting the sweater. Instead, gently press out the excess water by squeezing it gently or rolling it in a clean towel.

Dry flat

Lay the sweater flat on a clean, dry towel or a mesh drying rack. 

Reshape it gently to its original size and dimensions. Avoid hanging the sweater, as it can stretch and lose its shape.

Keep away from direct heat and sunlight

Avoid exposing your knitted sweater to direct heat or sunlight, as it can cause fading or damage to the fibers. Dry it in a cool, well-ventilated area.

Previously, we talked about bathroom faucet leaks.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Read the care instructions
  2. Hand wash or use a gentle cycle
  3. Use cold water
  4. Use a mild detergent
  5. Gently wash and rinse
  6. Do not wring or twist
  7. Dry flat
  8. Keep away from direct heat and sunlight