Housekeeping tips: When it's freezing – tips to make your house warmer

06.01.2024 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

When the temperature outside goes way below zero, then your house might also feel cold and uninviting.

In most cases, you can easily fix it, but what if your house stays cold no matter what?

Here are a few things that you might try.

Check for drafts

Look for any gaps or cracks in windows, doors, or walls where cold air might be coming in. 

Seal these areas with weatherstripping or draft stoppers to keep the cold air out.


Insulate windows and doors

Use thick curtains or blinds to cover your windows at night to help insulate the room. 

You can also use door draft stoppers at the bottom of doors to prevent cold air from entering.

Bundle up

Wear warm clothing like sweaters, socks, and slippers to keep yourself cozy. 

Consider using blankets or throws to add an extra layer of warmth when sitting or lounging.

Use heating sources

If you have a heating system, set it to a comfortable temperature. 

You can also use portable heaters or electric blankets in specific areas to provide additional warmth.

Close off unused rooms

If there are parts of your house that you don't use often, close the doors to those rooms. 

This will help contain the heat in the areas you're using the most.

Use insulation

If you have access to insulation material, you can place it in attics, crawl spaces, or other areas where heat might escape. 

This will help retain warmth inside your house.

Warm beverages and food

Enjoy hot drinks like tea, coffee, or hot chocolate to warm yourself from the inside. 

Eating warm meals or snacks can also help raise your body temperature.

Create warmth with activities

Engage in activities that generate heat, such as exercising, cooking, or baking. 

These activities can warm up your body and the surrounding area.

Seek additional heating options

If your house is still cold, consider using electric blankets, space heaters, or heating pads to provide extra warmth in specific areas.

Previously, we talked about modern cleaning solutions.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Check for drafts
  2. Insulate windows and doors
  3. Bundle up
  4. Use heating sources
  5. Close off unused rooms
  6. Use insulation
  7. Warm beverages and food
  8. Create warmth with activities
  9. Seek additional heating options