How to remove creases from sneakers: the most effective method is also the simplest

29.02.2024 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Creases often appear on leather shoes and sneakers.

In this article, we will tell you the most effective ways to remove defects.

How to get rid of creases on sneakers using paper

Fill the sneakers with soft paper or cloth and leave overnight to smooth out any creases.


After this, dampen the rag, squeeze out the water and gently wipe the creases.

Then fill the shoes with paper and leave to dry.

Apply leather treatment to the creases, rubbing it in, and let the shoes dry with paper.

How to remove creases from sneakers using an iron

Apply a damp towel to the shoes and heat the iron on the surface for 15-20 seconds.

Check the condition of your shoes. If there are still creases, repeat the procedure again.

If a life hack with an iron requires many repetitions, make sure that the towel does not dry out - constantly wet it.

How to prevent creases in shoes

To prevent creases in sneakers, you can use special devices.

Protectors against creases on shoes, inserts in shoes.

They will smooth out the skin while it sits on the shelf.

Previously, we told you how to get rid of an unpleasant smell in the toilet.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to get rid of creases on sneakers using paper
  2. How to remove creases from sneakers using an iron
  3. How to prevent creases in shoes