How to understand that bedding is worth buying: The main signs of good quality bedding

19.06.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Sleep is an essential part of everyone's health and well-being, and good bedding can influence it a lot.

When buying new bedding, you need to know how to understand whether its quality is good or not.

Let's find out more about the main signs of quality.


Look for natural fibers like cotton, linen, or silk, as they are generally more durable, breathable, and comfortable. 

Thread Count

While a higher thread count is often associated with better quality, it is not the sole indicator. 


Look for a thread count between 200 and 800, as this range typically offers a good balance of softness and durability. 


Pay attention to the finishing details of the bedding. Well-made bedding should have properly sewn seams, securely attached buttons or zippers, and evenly distributed filling (if applicable). 

Feel and Comfort

Look for a soft, smooth texture that feels pleasant against the skin. 

Consider personal preferences for warmth, breathability, and texture when evaluating comfort.

Care Instructions

Ensure that the recommended washing and maintenance methods align with your lifestyle and preferences. 

Brand Reputation and Reviews

Research the brand's reputation and read customer reviews to gain insights into the quality and durability of their bedding products. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Material
  2. Thread Count
  3. Finishing
  4. Feel and Comfort
  5. Care Instructions
  6. Brand Reputation and Reviews