Kitchen trash bin placement: Why is it always under the sink?

09.08.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Placing kitchen trash bins under the sink is a common practice for several practical reasons. 

This location offers convenience, helps manage odors, and optimizes space utilization. 

Here's why most people choose to position their kitchen trash bins under the sink.


The area under the sink is easily accessible, especially when you're cooking or cleaning in the kitchen. 

It allows you to quickly dispose of food scraps, packaging, and other waste without having to move around too much.

kitchen sink

Space Efficiency

Kitchens often have limited counter space, and placing the trash bin under the sink frees up valuable counter or floor space for other tasks and appliances.

Odor Control

The enclosed space under the sink can help contain odors, especially if the trash bin has a lid or a sealing mechanism. 

This is particularly important for preventing unpleasant smells from spreading throughout the kitchen.

Reduced Trips

Placing the trash bin near your main workspace reduces the need to walk back and forth to the trash, saving you time and effort during meal preparation or cleanup.


If you're hosting guests or having a gathering, placing the trash bin under the sink keeps it out of direct sight, offering a more visually appealing and private setting.

Child and Pet Safety

Placing the trash bin under the sink can help keep it out of reach of children and pets, preventing them from accessing potentially harmful items or making a mess.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Convenience
  2. Space Efficiency
  3. Odor Control
  4. Reduced Trips
  5. Privacy
  6. Child and Pet Safety