Protect your roof from leaks in fall: Housekeeping tips

16.11.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Fall is a rainy season, and it's also followed by snowy winter - another season that tests your roof's integrity.

To protect your house, you should inspect your roof carefully in fall, just in case you can spot some leaks.

There are a few tips you can use.

Clean Your Gutters

Imagine your gutters are like a straw for rainwater. If they're blocked with leaves and stuff, water can't go where it should.

So, grab a ladder and clean out those gutters. It helps rainwater flow away, keeping your roof dry.


Trim Overhanging Branches

Picture this: a big tree near your house. In fall, its leaves fall too. If branches hang over your roof, leaves can pile up and trap moisture. 

Trim those branches to avoid a leafy mess on your roof.

Check for Cracks

Think of your roof like a puzzle. If there are cracks, water can sneak in. Check for any cracked or missing shingles. 

If you find any, fix them up to keep your roof strong and leak-free.

Inspect Flashing

Flashing is like a superhero cape for your roof edges and chimney. Check if it's loose or damaged. 

If it is, fix it up, so water can't sneak into the nooks and crannies.

Seal Around Vents

Vents are like little chimneys on your roof. Make sure they're sealed tight. If not, water might sneak in. 

Seal up any gaps to keep your roof cozy and dry.

Keep Attic Ventilated

Imagine your attic is like your roof's secret hideout. If it gets too humid, it can cause problems. 

Ventilate it by ensuring there's good airflow. This helps prevent moisture buildup that could lead to leaks.

Insulate Your Attic

Insulation is like a cozy blanket for your house. Make sure your attic is well-insulated. 

It helps regulate temperature and prevents ice dams, those frozen build-ups that can cause leaks.

Look for Leaks Inside

Finally, don't forget to check inside. Look for any spots on your ceiling or walls that might show water stains. 

If you find any, it could be a sign of a leak. Fix it pronto to keep your home dry and snug.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Clean Your Gutters
  2. Trim Overhanging Branches
  3. Check for Cracks
  4. Inspect Flashing
  5. Seal Around Vents
  6. Keep Attic Ventilated
  7. Insulate Your Attic
  8. Look for Leaks Inside