Useful Tips: How to Clean Wool on a Sofa

18.08.2023 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Most often, an allergy to cat hair is manifested by a constant runny nose, asthma attacks, coughing or sneezing, and frequent colds. Secondly, children, especially small ones, put everything into their mouths, including lumps of cat hair.

How to get rid of wool on furniture

To remove fur from wooden furniture, spray a dry cloth or cotton cloth with anti-static agent and wipe the surfaces with it.

Cleaning of upholstered furniture depends on the type of upholstery. The easiest and most popular way to get rid of dog hair in an apartment is to use a stiff brush.

Clean the sofa manually with a damp brush in a circular motion; Roll the wool with a wet cloth from one edge of the carpet to the other; Wipe the surface of the sofa with a window mop with a sponge nozzle; Use a clothes roller or stationery tape.

Efficiently collects wool with a mop with a rubber coating. Being electrified, it attracts all the particles to itself like a magnet.


If your upholstered furniture does not vacuum well, you can cover them with a wet sheet and knock. The cat hair will remain on the damp material, after which you simply wash it.

How to protect furniture from wool

Use a fabric anti-static spray: spray it on clothes and upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery. It will protect the fabric, especially cotton, from wool sticking. Moreover, furniture antistatic will protect smooth surfaces in your home from both dust and sticky hair.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to get rid of wool on furniture
  2. How to protect furniture from wool