Useful Tips: How to Remove Chewing Gum from Clothes

04.01.2024 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

There are many ways to remove chewing gum from clothes, one of the most popular is freezing.

How to clean

It is necessary to place the item in the freezer for a while, waiting until the chewing gum hardens.

After such a procedure, it is quite easy to scrape off the chewing gum using a regular knife.


What other methods are there

Place thick paper or thin cardboard on the affected area.

Heat the iron to medium temperature and place it on paper. Don't rub.

After half a minute, remove, and the remaining “rubber” fibers can be cleaned with a brush and carpet detergent, or cut in a machine (if it’s clothing).

Moisten a sponge or cotton pad with acetone or nail polish remover and apply it to the stain.

The substance penetrates between the fibers of the fabric and dissolves the chewing gum, after which the remaining dirt can be removed with a soft brush.

It is better not to treat delicate fabrics with acetone. After the solvent, the item requires washing.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes with vinegar

Table vinegar. Place a napkin on clothing contaminated with chewing gum.

Use a toothbrush dipped in vinegar to scrub off the stuck gum. We wash clothes in a machine or by hand.

Previously, we told you how to remove machine oil from clothes.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to clean
  2. What other methods are there
  3. How to remove chewing gum from clothes with vinegar