Последние новости за 4 января 2024 года


When depressed, lots of people can't do the simplest things at home, including housekeeping and cleaning. Meanwhile, living in a dirty and unhinged environment can damage your mental health even more, so you have to cope with it.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning tips depression decluttering treatment mental health Helpful tips

While light and monochromatic interiors are trendy and stylish, they can feel a bit too cold and uninviting. Luckily, you can easily fix the situation by adding a bit of colors and warmth through the details and accents.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips colors accent accent colors minimalism House Design

Psychotherapy is indicated for people suffering from depression, fear, anxiety, insomnia, neurotic disorders, people experiencing severe grief and stress. Family therapy can help couples who are unable to cope with their problems and disagreements on their own.

Диана Дашкевич mental health psychotherapy psychologist tips computer fun facts Psychology

Опытные кулинары советуют в конце приготовления добавлять в борщ немного сливочного масла.

Тимур Хомичев борщ сливочное масло вкусный борщ рецепт борща приготовление борща Кулинария

The crow plays the role of an orderly, destroying carrion and reducing the number of insects and rodents.

Диана Дашкевич birds wildlife wild animals crows animal facts Animals

In gardening, there are plenty of different kinds of mulch, and most of them have their pros and cons. Natural mulch is biodegradable and usually safe, and you can make it on your own – so it's extremely beneficial!

Kate Yakimchuk mulching gardening tips growing plants mulch nature Garden

Если хочется, чтобы омлет был воздушным, нежным и более ароматным, то приготовить его следует в духовке. Кроме этого, важно правильно рассчитать количество всех ингредиентов, чтобы вкус был сбалансированным.

Ольга Котова блюда из яиц яйцо омлет приготовление омлета блюдо Кулинария

Schizoid personality disorder (schizoid psychopathy) is a mental disorder characterized by a tendency toward isolation, immersion in the world of internal experiences, and a lack of emotional connections with others.

Диана Дашкевич mental health personality fun facts life facts Psychology