Useful Tips: How to Remove Paint from Clothes – Quickly and Easily

28.12.2023 05:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Acetone is an effective solvent that can affect the color and texture of clothing.

How to clean clothes

Acetone and acetone-based liquids, such as nail polish remover, do an excellent job of removing paint stains.

Use a cotton pad soaked in acetone to rub the stain until the paint completely disappears, and wash the item in the washing machine.

How to remove dried paint from clothes

Dried water-based compositions are easily dissolved with ethyl alcohol.

Leave it on the cloth for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with water.


After treatment, wash with any detergent.

Paints with bright pigments may require longer soaking.

How to remove paint from clothes without acetone

Gasoline Fuel completely removes paint, but it should only be used on durable fabrics.

Delicate textiles may be damaged when exposed to gasoline.

The process of removing stains is very simple: moisten a rag or cotton swab with purified gasoline, wipe the stain until the pigment completely disappears and wash.

We previously talked about how to get rid of sticky grease in the kitchen.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to clean clothes
  2. How to remove dried paint from clothes
  3. How to remove paint from clothes without acetone