Washing your leather footwear: Not just soap and water

08.09.2023 06:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

You don't need to wash leather footwear with water and soap very often - and that's great news for those who dislike doing it anyway.

In fact, it's best to avoid it as much as possible because water and soap can damage leather easily and make it crack faster.

Instead, follow these simple steps to keep your leather shoes or boots clean.

Using a brush is better

Use a soft brush or cloth to wipe off dirt and dust from your leather footwear regularly. This helps prevent dirt from building up.

Clean the spots

If you notice a stain or a dirty spot, use a damp (not soaking wet) cloth to gently wipe it off. Then, let the shoes dry naturally.

leather shoes

Special conditioner is necessary

Every few months, you can apply a leather conditioner or cream. This helps keep the leather soft and hydrated.

Polish them regularly

Use a leather polish or cream to give your footwear a nice shine and restore its color.

Protect leather with sprays

Consider using a water and stain repellent spray specifically made for leather. It helps shield your footwear from water and stains.

So, avoid using water and soap too often on leather shoes because they can harm the leather. Instead, follow these simple steps to keep them clean and in good shape.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Using a brush is better
  2. Clean the spots
  3. Special conditioner is necessary
  4. Polish them regularly
  5. Protect leather with sprays