Your cat sheds a lot: Cleaning tips

09.11.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Cat's hair isn't that noticeable at first, but when your cat sheds a lot, then you can clearly see it everywhere.

You can vacuum and clean your floors and furniture regularly, but it can also be quite exhausting. So, what can you do?

Here are some tips that can help you minimize the problem.

Regular Brushing

Brush your cat regularly to remove loose fur and prevent it from ending up all over your home. Use a cat brush or comb designed to remove loose hair. 

Brushing helps to reduce shedding and keeps your cat's coat healthy. Make sure to be gentle and make it a positive experience for your cat.


Lint Roller or Tape

Keep a lint roller or sticky tape handy to quickly remove cat hair from clothing, furniture, and other surfaces. 

Roll it over the affected areas to pick up the loose fur. This can be a quick and easy way to remove cat hair from fabrics and upholstery.


Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment or a pet-specific vacuum cleaner that is designed to pick up pet hair effectively. 

Microfiber Cloths

Dampen a microfiber cloth with water and use it to wipe down surfaces like countertops, tables, and shelves. 

The slightly damp cloth will help attract and collect loose cat hair. Microfiber cloths are known for their ability to trap and hold onto pet hair effectively.

Washable Covers and Throws

Consider using washable covers or throws on furniture, especially where your cat likes to relax. 

These covers can be easily removed and washed to get rid of accumulated fur. 

Opt for materials that are less likely to attract and hold onto cat hair, such as microfiber or tightly woven fabrics.

Cat-Friendly Grooming Area

Set up a designated grooming area for your cat with a comfortable mat or towel. 

Encourage your cat to spend time there by placing treats or toys nearby. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Regular Brushing
  2. Lint Roller or Tape
  3. Vacuuming
  4. Microfiber Cloths
  5. Washable Covers and Throws
  6. Cat-Friendly Grooming Area