Carrots are the undoubted leader in vitamin A content.
Vitamins C and E help slow down the aging process, K increases blood clotting.
Why is it good to eat raw carrots
Potassium normalizes cardiovascular activity, calcium and phosphorus strengthen teeth and bones, chlorine maintains water balance in the body.

Carrots exhibit antiseptic and antibacterial abilities, which helps improve the functioning of the body's immune system.
In addition, carrots contain vitamin C, which stimulates the activity of white blood cells and is one of the most important elements for maintaining immunity.
Raw carrots have an excellent property - they can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
This will be beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.
Also, by regularly consuming this vegetable, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of having a stroke - by 70 percent.
The thing is that it stimulates blood circulation in the brain well.
In what form are carrots most healthy
It is recommended to eat carrots both raw and boiled. Although cooking reduces the amount of vitamin C, other nutrients (such as vitamins A and E) are retained.
Who and why should not eat carrots
The vegetable should not be consumed by people with acute pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, colitis, gastritis, high stomach acidity or those who are allergic to carrots.
You should also not overeat carrots, otherwise you will become drowsy.
We previously talked about the health benefits of broccoli.