Fruits and vegetables protect from miscarriages: A new study on food and pregnancy

26.09.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Good diet can improve your health, and it seems that it can also protect your baby's life as well.

A recent study shows that having a diet rich in certain foods before and during early pregnancy may significantly reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Let's find out more about this research.

Food and pregnancy

A new experiment examined 20 studies checking eating habits of ladies before and shortly after conceiving to understand the connection to miscarriage risk.

Their experiments suggest that healthy diets that are rich in various healthy foods may significantly reduce the likelihood of miscarriage.

pregnant woman

Also, a high intake of fruits was connected to a 60% lower risk, while eating lots of vegetables correlated with a 40% reduction.

Additionally, dairy products were strongly associated with a 36% lower risk, grains with a 32% reduction, and seafood and eggs with a 19% decrease in miscarriage risk.

Let's find out even more

The experiment tested the time around conception, which includes the period just before pregnancy and the initial three months of being pregnant.

The study analyzed data from 63,837 ladies of reproductive age who were in good health. They provided their dietary information through food questionnaires as part of the analysis.

Why it's important

Specialists emphasized the importance of making positive lifestyle and dieting choices when planning for a family to reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Further exploration is needed to determine the causal link between specific foods or diets and miscarriage risk and to estimate the effectiveness of dietary changes during conception and pregnancy.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Food and pregnancy
  2. Let's find out even more
  3. Why it's important