Beloved by many, hazelnuts or hazelnuts are a real storehouse of vegetable protein, dietary fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids.
What are the benefits of hazelnuts
Hazelnuts activate protein metabolism and hematopoietic function: you can mix it with honey and take a tablespoon a day as a means to combat “bad” cholesterol.
Hazelnuts also contain a lot of vitamins B1, B2, C, E, as well as minerals: potassium, iron, cobalt, phosphorus, calcium, zinc.
These nuts are also high in omega-3 and omega-6, vitamins A, E, B6, B12 and C, folic acid, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron and antioxidants.
Hazelnuts improve nutrition for older people and reduce glucose and “bad” cholesterol levels.
Two standard servings of hazelnuts per day can prevent deficiencies of important micronutrients - vitamin E and magnesium.
How to eat hazelnuts correctly
Nuts are eaten raw, and also salted, fried, candied, made into flour and paste, prepared nut halva, and ground into butter.
They are used in the preparation of meat, poultry and fish, vegetable dishes, salads, pates, snacks, cereals, desserts and baked goods. Pairs well with green salads and leafy vegetables.
What is healthier: raw or roasted hazelnuts
Roasted hazelnuts differ from raw ones only in taste; when roasted, the nut does not lose its beneficial properties.
It is after frying that the folic acid content increases, which is very useful for the development of the circulatory and immune systems.
We previously talked about the health benefits of almonds.