Healthy Foods: Benefits of Dark Chocolate

12.07.2023 13:41
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

There are fewer cocoa beans in dark (or black) chocolate - 40-55%. In bitter - more: at least 55%, and sometimes - up to 90-99%. The remaining percentage in the finished product is occupied by sugar, cocoa butter, natural flavors, fillers (nuts, dried fruits, etc.).

Eating dark chocolate can help relieve stress

Chocolate contains magnesium. This element suppresses the release of the hormone cortisol and thus helps prevent the occurrence of stress. Magnesium is an essential mineral for human health that is beneficial for anxiety and stress.

Dark chocolate increases the production of endorphins. They bind to opiate receptors in the brain, causing a feeling of euphoria, after which the person's mood rises. However, this state does not last long. In addition, endorphins reduce pain and the negative effects of stress.

Photo: Pixabay

Effectively dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Has an antioxidant effect. Reduces cholesterol and other atherogenic lipoproteins, helps reduce the risk of heart attack, angina pectoris and stroke.

How much dark chocolate can you eat per day

Nutritionists recommend eating chocolate often, but little by little. The daily norm for adult men and women without health problems is 30-50 grams of dark chocolate, that is, from a third to a half of an ordinary bar every day. With high physical exertion, an increase in the norm by one and a half times is allowed.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Eating dark chocolate can help relieve stress
  2. How much dark chocolate can you eat per day