How weather affects our appetite: Nutritionist's insights

12.10.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Have you ever wondered why it's hard to lose weight before summer, but it's easier to lose it during summer?

It's often tied to our appetite, because weather, climate, and seasons can affect it a lot. But how?

Let's find out more about our eating habits and how weather affects them.


When it's hot, we tend to eat lighter foods like salads and fruits because heavy, hot meals can make us feel even hotter. 

In contrast, when it's cold, we often crave hearty, warm foods like soup and stews to stay warm.



Sunlight can boost our mood and energy levels. When it's sunny, we might feel more active and hungry. 

On gloomy days, we may feel less inclined to eat because we're not as energetic.


Different seasons bring different types of foods. In summer, we have an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, so our diets tend to be healthier. 

In the winter, we might eat more comfort foods and holiday treats.


Changes in weather and light levels can affect our body's production of hormones, including the ones that regulate hunger. 

For example, some people may feel hungrier in the winter due to reduced daylight.


In hot weather, we need to drink more to stay hydrated, and sometimes this can be mistaken for hunger. So, people might eat less when it's hot.


In simple terms, weather can change what we feel like eating and how hungry we are. 

Hot weather makes us want lighter foods, while cold weather makes us crave warm, hearty meals. 

Sunlight and seasons also influence our food choices, and our body's hormones respond to these changes too. 

It's all about how the weather affects our mood, energy, and body chemistry.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Temperature
  2. Sunlight
  3. Seasons
  4. Hormones
  5. Hydration
  6. Conclusion