Important to Know: Why the Body Needs Vitamin E

11.10.2023 18:17
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

The form of vitamin E known as alpha-tocopherol is considered the most important for human health because it is the main form present in the body and does the most things.

What is vitamin E for

Vitamin E is needed: to strengthen the walls of capillaries, to protect blood cells (lymphocytes, red and white blood cells), which helps improve the body's oxygen supply and overall protective function.

Also for blood clotting, myocardial function, nervous tissue and immunity, to maintain reproductive function.

Where is there a lot of vitamin E

The best sources of vitamin E are oils (for example, sunflower, canola), seeds, nuts, almonds, bread, avocado, paprika, liver.

Vitamin E deficiency caused by consumption of insufficiently nutritious foods has not been observed in normal, healthy people.


Signs of Vitamin E Deficiency

The main symptoms of vitamin E deficiency are mild hemolytic anemia and nonspecific neurological manifestations.

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency also include muscle weakness due to myodystrophy, extending to both skeletal and smooth muscles, as well as the myocardium.

Damage to nerve cells leads to disorders of coordination of voluntary movements, speech disorders, and sensitivity disorders.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is vitamin E for
  2. Where is there a lot of vitamin E
  3. Signs of Vitamin E Deficiency