Pesto sauce: how to cook - healthy products

20.01.2024 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The taste of Italian pesto sauce, created by your own hands, will like your home and friends.

Freshness and stunningly bright color of the leafs of basil, the thin aroma of cedar nut and pleasant notes of the cheese of the gran Padano, mixed with olive oil, will easily recreate the atmosphere of the Italian meal.

What is the benefit of pesto

This food product perfectly stimulates the functioning of immunity, helps the immune system to fight various infections, shows diaphoretic and antipyretic qualities, improves digestion, normalizes pressure and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

Is it possible to store pesto sauce in the freezer

The finished pesto can be frozen by spreading on ice molds.

Frozen cubes are suitable for adding to the paste or soup of Minestron. Short.


Put the finished sauce in the jar and take it into the refrigerator.

How to cook

Mix basil, fried garlic, cedar nuts and spices in the kitchen combine.

Working with a blender at low speed, add olive oil until the pasta is formed.

Add cheese and mix for several seconds until it becomes chopped.

Pesto is perfectly “lies” with a light crispy baguette, and with it - pieces of boiled turkeys or chicken.

Salty pies and pizza. Just put a pesto with a thin layer on the bottom of a pie from puff or crumbly dough, and on top - vegetable, meat or fish filling.

Sauce will perfectly complement any dish: pasta, pizza, sandwichs, fish, chicken and vegetables.

Its simple but rich taste goes well with any kind of pasta, including Farfalla and Baettte.

You can add both to finished dishes and in the process of heat treatment.

Previously, we told how to cook Dutch sauce.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is the benefit of pesto
  2. Is it possible to store pesto sauce in the freezer
  3. How to cook