The trickiest holiday dishes: Nutritionist's insights

20.11.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

When thinking of holidays and gathering with friends and family members, people often think about a huge holiday feast.

Holidays are the perfect time to eat lots of delicious things, but you should still be mindful of what and how much you eat.

Here are a few examples of the trickiest holiday dishes you should be careful with.

Creamy Casseroles

Green bean casserole and scalloped potatoes often contain creamy sauces made with butter, cream, or condensed soups. 

These ingredients can contribute to higher calorie and fat content. 


Choosing lighter alternatives for sauces or incorporating more vegetables can help balance the dish.

Sweet Treats

Holiday desserts, such as pecan pie, fruitcake, and frosted cookies, tend to be rich in sugar, saturated fats, and refined flour. 

These ingredients can lead to a high calorie count. 

Opting for desserts with less added sugar or using substitutes like whole grains and nuts can make these treats a bit healthier.

Fried Goodies

Fried appetizers like spring rolls, fried turkey, or samosas are delightful but can be calorie-dense due to the absorption of oil during frying. 

Alcoholic Beverages

Festive drinks like eggnog, cocktails, and holiday punches often contain added sugars and mixers that contribute to excess calories. 

Choosing lighter mixers, diluting beverages with water or soda water, and being mindful of portions can help manage calorie intake.

Buttery Mashed Potatoes

While mashed potatoes are a holiday favorite, adding generous amounts of butter and cream can elevate the calorie content. 

Consider using low-fat dairy or broth for creaminess and adding roasted garlic or herbs for flavor.

Sausage Stuffing

Traditional stuffing recipes with sausage can be high in saturated fats and calories. 

Experimenting with whole grain or multigrain bread, incorporating more vegetables, and opting for leaner protein sources can make stuffing a more nutritious part of the meal.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Creamy Casseroles
  2. Sweet Treats
  3. Fried Goodies
  4. Alcoholic Beverages
  5. Buttery Mashed Potatoes
  6. Sausage Stuffing