Watermelon: Health Benefits - You Didn't Know About It

22.01.2024 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Like all berries and fruits, watermelon is best consumed in the first half of the day, before 16:00-17:00, and as a dessert - at the end of the main meal.

What are the benefits of watermelon

The abundance of carbohydrates (fiber) normalizes digestion and promotes weight loss; the product itself is a diuretic, and with potassium it cleanses the kidneys and reduces the risk of stones forming in them; high vitamin A content improves vision, skin and hair condition; ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system.

Contains iron, magnesium, plant fiber. The fruit consists of 90% water and is an excellent diuretic.

The beneficial properties of watermelon well regulate the course of biochemical processes in the body and help in the treatment of arthritis and gout.

Watermelon contains several heart-healthy compounds, including lycopene, citrulline, and several vitamins and minerals. The fruit is also good for the digestive system.


The fruit contains a lot of water and fiber, which makes food easier to digest. This helps normalize intestinal function.

Researchers found that those who drank watermelon juice experienced less muscle pain for up to 72 hours compared to the placebo group.

We previously talked about loss of appetite.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource