

Watermelon is the main summer fruit that many people love. In addition, this product is extremely beneficial for the body.

Diana Dashkevich fruits summer health facts proper nutrition Cooking 17 June 2024

Growing watermelon in your garden is not as difficult as you think. It is enough to know a few rules.

Diana Dashkevich gardening garden and gardening advice for gardeners Garden 14 June 2024

When grown in soil, it will take you approximately 100 to 120 days to produce mature fruit. However, you must consider a number of factors if you plan to grow watermelon from seed. First of all, for watermelon to germinate, the soil temperature must be at least 18°C (65°F).

Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 5 February 2024

Like all berries and fruits, watermelon is best consumed in the first half of the day, before 16:00-17:00, and as a dessert - at the end of the main meal.

Diana Dashkevich berries vitamins food facts healthy food Cooking 22 January 2024

Watermelon has juicy flesh and a pleasant, refreshing aroma, which is why it is so popular in summer.

Diana Dashkevich summer health vitamins advices Cooking 23 July 2023

If you love watermelons, then you might try growing them in your garden, hoping to get an amazing harvest. But pretty often you can't grow the watermelons as big or sweet as you want.

Kate Yakimchuk planting gardening tips Garden 12 July 2023

Watermelon is often left uneaten due to its large size. In the article we will tell you how to properly store the product and extend the shelf life.

Diana Dashkevich food food storage advices tips Cooking 4 July 2023

10% of a dog's diet should consist of foods rich in vitamins and fiber. In the article you will find out whether it is possible to feed your pet with watermelon.

Diana Dashkevich summer pets feeding facts Animals 27 June 2023

The most popular summer product can be grown right in your garden. Caring for a watermelon is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Watermelon loves the sun, heat. Each plant, depending on the variety, produces a crop of 2-4 fruits.

Diana Dashkevich gardening planting Garden 3 May 2023

Many have faced disappointment in choosing a watermelon upon arrival home. To choose a delicious watermelon, it is enough to know a few indicators of ripeness and freshness.

Diana Dashkevich food fruits tips Cooking 17 April 2023

Watermelon is the most popular fruit in summer. It is suitable for lemonades, smoothies, quenches thirst well. Do you know the difference between yellow and red watermelon?

Diana Dashkevich food cooking Cooking 8 April 2023