Green peas can complement almost any dish.
In this article, we will tell you how green peas are useful.
What are the health benefits of green peas
Green peas are a source of vitamin B9.

The substance promotes cell renewal, has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus in pregnant women, promotes the growth of the child’s body, and restores the body after various diseases.
Legumes also contain vitamin B1, which regulates cardiac activity, energy metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system.
The nucleotides in the composition are combined with magnesium, which promotes their better absorption.
Among other things, green peas contain vitamins A, B2, PP. Vitamin B2 supplies cells with energy, and PP improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Nutritionists believe that 3-4 tablespoons of canned peas per day is enough for a person.
If these indicators are exceeded, you can experience severe gas formation (due to the abundance of purine), inhibition of enzyme production and fatty liver degeneration.
Previously, we told you how fats are beneficial for humans and why you shouldn’t give it up completely.