Why you can’t dilute tea with cold water: expert opinion

13.05.2024 21:26

Many people do not like to wait for the tea to cool down and dilute the drink with cool water.

In this article, we will tell you whether it is worth doing this.

Is it possible to dilute tea with cold water

Diluting tea with cold water can affect the taste of the drink.


Typically, tea has a balanced taste with notes of bitterness, sweetness and slight sourness.

Dilution with cold water can change this ratio and upset the balance established by nature.

Too much cold water can make the tea too diluted, leaving it with little to no flavor.

In addition, raw water quite often contains bacteria, which in most cases are harmful to the human body.

The moment raw water gets into the tea; the number of bacteria in it can grow.

If you add cooled boiled water, filtered or bottled from the store, to tea, then from a safety point of view there will be no difference for the body.

How to properly cool hot tea

To make hot tea cool faster, place a few metal spoons in the cup and wait a few minutes.

During this time, the cutlery will absorb some of the heat from the liquid.

If you don’t want to bother with spoons, then choose a simple and proven method: stir the drink with a spoon, while blowing it at the same time.

Previously, we told you which chicken eggs are healthier: boiled or fried.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it possible to dilute tea with cold water
  2. How to properly cool hot tea