

The cat is lethargic and hiding - a reason to call the doctor. When an animal gets sick, it feels protected in a small space.

Diana Dashkevich cats animal facts animal care Animals 6 December 2023

Although a pig is always associated with an unpleasant odor and dirt, it can easily get rid of all parasites. Their favorite mud baths contribute to this, so it is a fairly conscious process. In addition, a layer of dirt protects them from the sun's rays and keeps them cool.

Diana Dashkevich pigs pets facts animal facts intelligence Animals 6 December 2023

Dogs see equally well both during the day and at night. However, they are not so sensitive to bright light, so they do not squint in the sun.

Diana Dashkevich dogs vision pets facts animal facts Animals 5 December 2023

Cats are well-known for their grooming - these pets can take good care of their appearance, cleaning and brushing their hair daily. Meanwhile, cat grooming salons exist, and some pet owners take both their dogs and cats to the specialists.

Kate Yakimchuk pet hair cats tips Animals 5 December 2023

Even the friendliest dogs can be quite dangerous, and their bursts of aggression aren't that unpredictable - you just can't always see the signs. Most dogs (especially the well-trained ones) try to show you that it's better not to touch them sometimes, and your goal is to understand it.

Kate Yakimchuk dog training dog aggression safety tips Animals 5 December 2023
siamese cat

When you have good relationships with your cat, it often wants to spend more time with you. Cats can be quite social, so they often try to attract their owners' attention, but their owners don't always understand that.

Kate Yakimchuk pet owners pet habits cats attention Animals 4 December 2023

Pets can be more vulnerable to infections and various diseases when they're small, and their immune systems aren't that strong as well. If your puppy has some allergies, then you should understand it as soon as possible, so you can keep your pet safe.

Kate Yakimchuk puppy health health dogs Animals 4 December 2023

Djungarian hamsters are peaceful and non-aggressive creatures. The domesticated dwarf almost never bites, gets along well with children and trustingly falls asleep in the arms of its owner while he pets it.

Diana Dashkevich hamsters pets facts animal care Animals 4 December 2023

Pet owners can often see their pets moving while sleeping - they move their paws, shiver, and sometimes even vocalize. But do they see real dreams? And if they do, then what could they dream about?

Kate Yakimchuk sleep animal facts cognition pets facts Animals 3 December 2023

Scientists from the University of Helsinki, having studied 1000 dogs, awarded first place to the Belgian Malinois shepherd, second to the border collie, and third to the German shepherd.

Diana Dashkevich dogs breeds dog breeds pets facts Animals 3 December 2023

Regular vet checks are vital for every dog, because that's how you can keep it healthy. You should also save the medical data of your dog, so your vet will always know what's going on.

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pet health Animals 2 December 2023

If you want your dog to protect your house, then you should train it to do it - they don't naturally know what they're supposed to do. While lots of dogs have territorial behaviors, they still need proper training to become amazing guard dogs.

Kate Yakimchuk dogs training training tips Animals 2 December 2023

Some dogs happen to have pretty high levels of zoo aggression, so they can attack other dogs when they see them. It might be a huge problem for pet owners every time they walk their dog, and it can also traumatize someone else's dog as well.

Kate Yakimchuk dogs training dog aggression behavior danger Animals 2 December 2023

Some pets can become great friends, but sometimes they fight - and it can be a huge problem for pet owners. You can't isolate two fighting cats forever, so you have to do something to stop them fighting.

Kate Yakimchuk aggression cats training cats Animals 2 December 2023

Cats can have different personalities, just like people - so you never know what type of cat you have until it becomes an adult. Meanwhile, some cats can be quite aggressive and unfriendly, and it's not always easy to understand why they tend to behave this way.

Kate Yakimchuk domestic cats pets facts aggression tips Animals 2 December 2023

You can be a keen cat lover and still believe in many myths about domestic cats - that's how myths work! Luckily, lots of animal psychologists and veterinarians share their knowledge to help you learn the truth about your cat's habits.

Kate Yakimchuk cats domestic cats myths animal facts Animals 1 December 2023

The role of the rooster in producing offspring. A hen will not be able to hatch chicks from an unfertilized egg. Such an egg will not produce results in an incubator either.

Diana Dashkevich birds pets facts animal facts Animals 30 November 2023

Breeds differ from each other in many hereditary characteristics - size, anatomical features, colors and types of coat, temperament, etc.

Diana Dashkevich dogs pets facts animal facts breeds Animals 30 November 2023

Large dog breeds need more food, and they can't eat just anything - dogs require specific nutrients and components in their diet. Proper dog diet makes your pet healthy, energetic, and long-living - and every pet owner wants that for their pet friend!

Kate Yakimchuk dog food nutrition dieting Animals 30 November 2023

Aquarium fish are often seen as low-maintenance pets, which they are, but they still need nice conditions to thrive. One of the things you can do for your fish is to create a nice ecological fish tank where they can live happily.

Kate Yakimchuk aquarium tips Animals 30 November 2023