social skills


A recent discovery revealed notable differences in career interests between males and females. Surprisingly, the study found that gender gaps in career opportunities are even more significant than expected, especially at lower education levels.

Kate Yakimchuk research personality Psychology 31 January 2024

A new study suggests that people often keep negative information about themselves hidden due to fears of harsh judgment, both in and out of the workplace.  However, when participants in the study mustered the courage to reveal a secret, the recipients' reactions were much more charitable than expected. 

Kate Yakimchuk research social bonds communication Psychology 31 January 2024

We can't become mature immediately – it takes time to become more responsible and learn our lessons in life. New research, recently published in Nature Communications, presents convincing evidence indicating that executive function, a cluster of cognitive skills essential for tasks such as planning, task-switching, resisting distractions, and sustaining focus, typically reaches maturity around the age of 18.

Kate Yakimchuk research maturity responsibility Psychology 28 January 2024

Not only teachers, but also students can be violent – and most teachers can't do anything about it. Teachers across the country have shared their insights on the most effective strategies for handling student violence, according to a nationwide study. 

Kate Yakimchuk research student teaching Psychology 25 January 2024

A group of researchers focused on health equity has used a lot of data to test an idea: that structural racism is connected to neighborhood resources and structures that are linked to poor health. The study explored how racism is related to chronic kidney disease, diabetes, and hypertension at the neighborhood level in Durham County.

Kate Yakimchuk research neighbors mental health education Psychology 23 January 2024

When talking about different adaptations animals have, you can't help but mention social skills of some animals. For example, parrots are extremely social birds, and it can be easily explained by evolution.

Kate Yakimchuk parrots animal adaptation communication evolution Animals 17 January 2024

When talking to someone you like, you probably want to be more initiative, so your communication won't stop – but how to do that? Lots of people are afraid of being proactive, because they don't want to be seen as clingy, needy, or desperate.

Kate Yakimchuk communication self-esteem relationship tips Psychology 14 January 2024

If you feel like someone you know might be offended by something, then it's always better to talk about it – but what if you can't? In most cases, there are some signs of resentment that you should be looking for to understand what the person feels.

Kate Yakimchuk resentment communication behavior Psychology 13 January 2024

People can sometimes hide their sympathy for many reasons – they are afraid to look too clingy, they feel shy, or simply not sure whether their sympathy is appropriate. While some people can hide their true feelings really well, others can show some unobvious signs whether they want it or not.

Kate Yakimchuk relationship in love signs Psychology 8 January 2024

Introverted people prefer being on their own – it's one of the most commonly known facts about introverts that most people know. Meanwhile, seeking loneliness and privacy aren't the only key features that make introverts who they are.

Kate Yakimchuk introverts social bonds personality thoughts Psychology 7 January 2024

Have you ever experienced the inconvenience of saying "no" to an invitation, or being pressed to say "yes" when you didn't want to go? If yes, then you're not alone - lots of people face the same problem regularly, especially during holidays.

Kate Yakimchuk research relationship self care Psychology 31 December 2023

Good social skills can help you a lot in life - both in terms of professional growth and basic communication with peers and friends. If you're not really social, then you can develop these skills, but it's important to find a good balance between being social and annoying.

Kate Yakimchuk communication friendship relationship Psychology 24 December 2023

You might think that you don't have to talk to babies because they'd understand anything, but it seems to be wrong. Parents should start speaking to their new babies using sing-song speech, like nursery rhymes, as soon as possible, according to a new study.

Kate Yakimchuk research child development speech communication Psychology 15 December 2023