Imposter syndrome: important information for you

16.08.2024 02:00

Imposter syndrome is a fairly common phenomenon among all ages.

What is imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a feeling of insecurity in the professional sphere.

A person feels that they do not deserve a certain position and feels out of place because they are not confident in their competence and strength.

Although in fact, this does not correspond to reality.

A person with imposter syndrome may also feel that they are deceiving their colleagues and are not worthy of where they are.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This is a feeling of insecurity in dignity, although the person has skills and experience.

This psychological phenomenon is common to many people of all professions, ages and genders.

Because of imposter syndrome, a person can refuse job offers, salary increases and have problems with socialization and self-confidence.

How to get rid of imposter syndrome

To get rid of imposter syndrome, it is important to stop comparing yourself with colleagues and monitoring other people's achievements.

Compare yourself only with yourself to see your own growth and development in the professional sphere.

The thing is that the human brain constantly forgets something, so remind yourself of your merits.

Eliminate the root cause of your doubts and insecurities, start working with a psychologist if this is hindering your career growth.

It is important to track and record your smallest and largest achievements to observe your progress in anything.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is imposter syndrome
  2. How to get rid of imposter syndrome