Psychologist's Explanation: Benefits of Partner Dancing

04.08.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Pair dance is a dance performed by two partners, usually a man and a woman. In the article we will tell you what are the advantages of pair types of dances.

What is the pair dance called

The main pair dances include waltz, foxtrot and tango, while Latin dances include cha-cha-cha, swing in addition, rumba. As you progress in dancing, you can also take up other dances such as the Viennese Waltz, Bolero and Salsa.

What are the benefits of pair dancing in terms of psychology

Pair and group dance trains social interactions, helps to relieve unnecessary stress Works out old psychological problems.

Dance gives a partner confidence in a partner, adaptability, the ability to hear a partner, an understanding of one's value and a powerful creative beginning.

In addition, this activity has a positive effect on the human psyche. If a person has only recently started dancing, then when learning the movements, a huge amount of serotonin and endorphin are produced - hormones of happiness that improve the perception of information and mood.


However, the results of the study, published in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, challenge previous assumptions about the role of cooperation in the evolution of sociality and highlight the importance of taking into account different cognitive processes in social interactions.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is the pair dance called
  2. What are the benefits of pair dancing in terms of psychology