Attention is what is most important to many people in a relationship.
What to do if you don't get enough attention from your partner
If you don't get enough attention from your partner, communicate it.
Focus on yourself and your interests. Give yourself gifts, go to meetings with friends, to the park, to parties.
Take up a favorite hobby that you have already forgotten about.
Remember that if your partner hasn't listened to your needs, it's not your responsibility.
Don't try to beg, manipulate, or pressure to get what you want.
You need to realize that you cannot change your partner or influence the choice.
Even if a partner does something because of your pressure, it will leave unpleasant feelings and associations in the memory and will not be the person’s independent decision.
Therefore, you should not do this, try to let go of control over the other person.
Respect your partner's personal boundaries, lack of resources or reluctance to do something.
How to talk to your partner about relationships
Share your feelings and listen to the other person. Ask clarifying questions.
You shouldn’t accuse each other of anything and get personal.
If you can't cope on your own, you can try couples therapy.
Previously, we talked about why conflicts arise in relationships.