What is love really: amazing facts

10.08.2024 02:00

Opinions on what love is are often divided.

What is love

Love is a deep feeling that is characterized by strong emotions towards a person, animal or object.

As a rule, love between people is accompanied by care, warmth, trust, emotional closeness.

As a rule, love in a relationship comes after the first stage - falling in love.

Falling in love is characterized by a sharp surge of hormones, which makes the partner seem ideal.

Photo: © Belnovosti

After this stage, a period of love may come, when you see each other as you are, with your weaknesses and shortcomings, and you are not repelled by this.

Romantic love also includes attraction, passion, romance, affection and physical intimacy.

What types of love are there

Love can be parental. This is love between family members, which is characterized by care, comfort and shared life.

Love can be friendly. This type of love arises between close friends who enjoy spending time together.

Romantic love usually includes physical intimacy, unlike other types.

This type of love often means that two people want to build a future together and possibly a family.

Unrequited love is characterized by the fact that only one person experiences feelings.

The object of love may not know about the feelings of the other or may not reciprocate them.

Of course, there are other types of love. Nevertheless, these are the main and most common.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is love
  2. What types of love are there