

Hypnotizability, which refers to how easily someone can be hypnotized, is a stable trait that doesn't change much throughout adulthood. However, scientists have discovered a way to temporarily increase hypnotizability using electrical stimulation of a specific area in the brain.

Kate Yakimchuk research hypnosis brain activity science Psychology 9 January 2024

You can often hear that you shouldn't regret anything - this approach helps lots of people to feel better about themselves and move on. Meanwhile, regrets can also be quite beneficial in some situations, so you shouldn't always try to get rid of that feeling.

Kate Yakimchuk regret mental health emotions feelings Psychology 17 December 2023

While being too self-conscious can sometimes be bad for you, a basic level of self-consciousness is crucial, because it helps you in many ways. Psychologists claim that self-conscious people do it better in life, and there are a few reasons for that.

Kate Yakimchuk self-esteem mental health tips personality Psychology 28 November 2023