By historical standards, quite recently many animals disappeared from the face of the Earth forever: the European tur, the wild horse, the marsupial wolf, Steller's cow, the dodo bird, the passenger pigeon, the flightless moa bird and others.
Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature ecology Animals 17 January 2024While people might think that only humans know what art is, some animals might have unusual artistic skills that might surprise you. Lots of animals, birds, and even fish have their own sense of beauty, so they use it for various benefits.
Kate Yakimchuk art nature cognitive skills evolution Animals 17 January 2024When it comes to hunting, lots of people have strong opinions about this activity. In modern days, when people don't have to hunt to survive, it's mostly just a hobby that hurts animals like rhinos.
Kate Yakimchuk wild nature hunting Animals 17 January 2024Mammuthus) is an extinct genus of mammals of the order Proboscidea, which existed from the Pliocene (5 million years ago) to the beginning of the Holocene (about 4 thousand years ago).
Diana Dashkevich nature history animal facts Animals 16 January 2024In nature, on average, a lion lives about fifteen years. In captivity, on average, a lion lives more than twenty years.
Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature animal facts Animals 16 January 2024People hunt animals not only because it's a hobby – they can get meat, fur, skin, and other valuable things from hunting. You've probably heard that some people hunt elephants and rhinos for their tusks – it's often illegal and extremely cruel.
Kate Yakimchuk hunting animal facts nature Animals 16 January 2024Elephants tend to be one of the most unusual and surprising animals in the world for many reasons. It's not only about their unique appearance, but also about their amazing cognitive abilities and skills.
Kate Yakimchuk animal facts nature wildlife Animals 16 January 2024In cartoons and fairy tales, lots of animals and birds are portrayed as intelligent and friendly, often demonstrating some human qualities. Meanwhile, real life is often far from cartoons – so these animals might not be as friendly as you might expect them to be.
Kate Yakimchuk nature aggression danger animal facts Animals 13 January 2024Talk, joke, solve math problems, understand words, lie, be sad, swear, love, fry fish? Monkeys can do this too.
Diana Dashkevich wild nature nature animal facts Animals 12 January 2024In fact, a zebra is black with white stripes, and not vice versa. Since black stripes are caused by the genetic process of selective pigmentation (the presence of pigment), therefore black color is the main pigment, and white stripes are the absence of it.
Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature animal facts Animals 12 January 2024The giraffe is the tallest living mammal: its height from the ground to the forehead reaches 4.8–5.8 m, the height at the withers is 3 m, while the body length is only 2.5 m! The weight of an adult male is about 800 kg, females are smaller and weigh 550–600 kg. On the forehead of both males and females there are small horns covered with hair.
Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature animal facts facts Animals 11 January 2024The white rhinoceros is the largest representative of the rhinoceros family. Inhabitant of savannas and woodlands. This is a huge mammal - the weight of old males reaches 4-4.5 tons.
Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature wildlife facts Animals 11 January 2024Elephants are natural eco-warriors and carbon sequesters, so protecting their populations is vital for both the environment and the species.
Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature animal facts facts Animals 10 January 2024The Madagascar name is Varika. It lives in southeastern Madagascar from the Mananara River near Vangaindrano, south to Fort Dauphine.
Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature animal facts Animals 10 January 2024Not only wild animals, but also birds can have some amazing abilities and skills – that's how they adapt to survive in nature. For example, strong and impressive eagles definitely can impress you with some facts bout their skills.
Kate Yakimchuk bird facts nature skills Animals 9 January 2024Australia's animals are diverse and very different from those found on other continents.
Diana Dashkevich nature wildlife wild nature facts Animals 8 January 2024The color of the head is recognizable: the white muzzle has two dark stripes stretching from the nose (the vibrissae area on the upper lip) to the ears, the tips of which are also white. The badger is omnivorous, but prefers animal food.
Diana Dashkevich wild nature wildlife nature animal facts Animals 5 January 2024The evolution of horses began in the Eocene, about 55 million years ago.
Diana Dashkevich wild nature nature evolution animal facts horses Animals 4 January 2024The crow plays the role of an orderly, destroying carrion and reducing the number of insects and rodents.
Diana Dashkevich birds wildlife crows animal facts Animals 4 January 2024Many animals pretend to be dead when in danger. This is done, for example, by Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana) and common grass snakes (Natrix natrix). This behavior is also common among insects, including ants.
Diana Dashkevich wild nature wildlife animal facts nature Animals 3 January 2024