Learn more about wildlife: Hunting rhinos – why do people do that?

17.01.2024 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

When it comes to hunting, lots of people have strong opinions about this activity.

In modern days, when people don't have to hunt to survive, it's mostly just a hobby that hurts animals like rhinos.

Here are a few reasons why people do that.


Trophy hunting

Some individuals hunt rhinos to obtain trophies, such as their horns or other body parts. 

They do this to show off or display these items as a symbol of their accomplishment or status.

Traditional beliefs

In some cultures, rhino horns are believed to have medicinal properties or are used in traditional practices. 

People may hunt rhinos to obtain their horns for these purposes, even though there is no scientific evidence to support these beliefs.

Illegal wildlife trade

Rhino horns are highly valuable in the illegal wildlife trade market. 

They are smuggled and sold for significant amounts of money, mainly in some Asian countries where they are seen as luxury items or used in traditional medicines.

Poverty and livelihood

In certain communities, individuals may hunt rhinos as a means to survive or make a living. 

The financial incentives associated with selling rhino parts can be tempting for those facing economic hardships.

Lack of awareness

Some people may hunt rhinos without being fully aware of the negative impact it has on rhino populations and ecosystems. 

They may not understand the importance of preserving these majestic animals and the role they play in maintaining biodiversity.

Previously, we talked about lab mice.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Trophy hunting
  2. Traditional beliefs
  3. Illegal wildlife trade
  4. Poverty and livelihood
  5. Lack of awareness