When it comes to hunting, lots of people have strong opinions about this activity. In modern days, when people don't have to hunt to survive, it's mostly just a hobby that hurts animals like rhinos.
Kate Yakimchuk wild animals wild nature Animals 17 January 2024People hunt animals not only because it's a hobby – they can get meat, fur, skin, and other valuable things from hunting. You've probably heard that some people hunt elephants and rhinos for their tusks – it's often illegal and extremely cruel.
Kate Yakimchuk wild animals animal facts nature Animals 16 January 2024Most people associate cats with keen mice hunters, which is true - but some dogs can do it as well! While it's not traditional for them to do it, dogs can be very effective mice hunters because of their great smell and reaction.
Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets mice Animals 11 November 2023Cats are natural hunters - and they tend to be very successful and skilled in it. Meanwhile, when your domestic cat hunts birds, it can be quite unpleasant - your cat can fall out of your window, or kill birds inside your house.
Kate Yakimchuk pets cats birds tips Animals 9 November 2023Most cats are perfect natural hunters, so even if they don't need hunting their food, they still play and hunt their toys. Meanwhile, other domestic cats don't hunt at all - they find neither use not pleasure in that.
Kate Yakimchuk pets cats habits Animals 7 October 2023While cats are natural hunters and have innate predatory instincts, not all cats love to hunt. Like humans, cats have different characters and backgrounds, so their habits can also be pretty different.
Kate Yakimchuk cats personality habits Animals 28 July 2023