

While most wild animals avoid humans and leave as soon as they sense them, others might be unpredictable - so you should stay safe. The best thing you can do is to remember some safety rules and follow them to leave untouched.

Kate Yakimchuk wild animals safety measures tips danger Animals 28 December 2023

The bison lived in cold tundra-steppe and forest-steppe landscapes.

Diana Dashkevich wild nature wild animals nature animal facts Animals 27 December 2023

Have you ever seen a platypus in real life? If you have, then you can't deny that they look strange! Platypuses are exciting animals for many reasons, but their appearance isn't the most interesting thing about them.

Kate Yakimchuk nature wild animals animal facts Animals 27 December 2023

The capybara is the largest rodent in the world fauna, reaching 1.5 m in length and weighing 60 kg. Externally, the capybara looks like a giant, large-headed guinea pig. The toes have small membranes. The body is covered with reddish-brown hair, stiff as stubble.

Diana Dashkevich wild animals nature animal facts Animals 27 December 2023

Animals are driven out of the forest by their natural instincts - fear and hunger. They can also be triggered by forest fires and drought.

Diana Dashkevich wild animals wild nature animal facts nature Animals 26 December 2023

Some animals can be quite surprising because of how they look, or what they can do - evolution creates surprising things! For instance, kangaroos, which are often associated with Australia, have lots of surprising features about them.

Kate Yakimchuk nature animal facts animal adaptation Animals 23 December 2023

Polar bears are perfectly adapted for life in the Arctic: Long, hollow inside and transparent (without pigment) guard hairs reflect light and look white. The fat layer, up to 11 cm thick, serves as an energy reserve, a heat insulator and improves buoyancy.

Diana Dashkevich wild nature wild animals animal facts nature Animals 21 December 2023

In terms of intelligence, polar bears are hardly inferior to primates: they are able to solve complex problems, navigate in three-dimensional space and have excellent memory. Each animal, like a person, has its own bright personality.

Diana Dashkevich animal facts bears wild animals wild nature Animals 21 December 2023

In most cases, wild animals stay away from people - it's their instincts telling them that people can be dangerous. Meanwhile, there are still situations when wild animals might seek human help when they or their friends are in danger.

Kate Yakimchuk wild animals nature animal facts communication Animals 21 December 2023

While it's generally not recommended to keep wild animals as pets, it sometimes happens! When people help wild animals in tough situations, they often stay with them as cute and playful pets.

Kate Yakimchuk wild animals pets facts tips nature Animals 21 December 2023

Parrots tend to be one of the most social birds - they even keep this habit when being kept as pets! In nature, parrots tend to live in groups, and they constantly socialize and communicate.

Kate Yakimchuk parrots bird facts pets facts Animals 20 December 2023

There is evidence to suggest that crows may be among the most intelligent animals on Earth. They can count to five. Use tools, such as sticks, to pick out insects from rotten tree stumps.

Diana Dashkevich birds nature wild animals animal facts Animals 19 December 2023

Red macaws are common in Central and Latin America from Mexico to Ecuador, Bolivia and the Amazon Valley. They live in tropical forests and stay in the crowns of tall trees.

Diana Dashkevich parrots wild animals birds rare animals Animals 12 December 2023

Most fish have a streamlined body shape and are good swimmers. The body consists of a head, torso and tail. In bony fishes, the head is closed on the sides by gill covers, which protect the gills and ensure the movement of water in the gill cavity. The body is covered with skin with scales.

Diana Dashkevich fish nature wild nature animal facts Animals 8 December 2023

The cheetah is rightfully the fastest animal on the planet. When chasing prey, it accelerates to 121 km/h and keeps it at a distance of 500 meters or more.

Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature animal facts Animals 7 December 2023

The lifespan of Egyptian flying dogs is up to 30 years. Habitat: The distribution area extends from Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula to southern Turkey and Cyprus. Animals live in large colonies and are active at night.

Diana Dashkevich nature wild animals animal facts facts Animals 4 December 2023

The widely known fox trick also has a real basis. For example, the ability of a fox to evade pursuit by confusing its tracks, abruptly changing the direction of movement and confusing it.

Diana Dashkevich nature wild animals animal facts Animals 4 December 2023

Forest cats are brown or gray-brown in color with black stripes. They are larger than domestic cats, with a thick tail, as if “chopped off” at the end.

Diana Dashkevich wild nature wild animals animal facts Animals 1 December 2023

Not only animals, but also insects can sometimes have quite amazing adaptations helping them to survive. For instance, bees can be quite amazing, because they use the Earth's magnetic fields as navigation.

Kate Yakimchuk bees insects animal adaptation insect facts Animals 29 November 2023

Dolphins are still one of the most amazing mammals that live underwater, and they have so many ways to surprise you. One of the most unusual things about them is how they communicate underwater with other dolphins.

Kate Yakimchuk dolphins nature wild nature Animals 28 November 2023