Flying Dogs: Interesting Facts

04.12.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The lifespan of Egyptian flying dogs is up to 30 years.

Habitat: The distribution area extends from Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula to southern Turkey and Cyprus.

Animals live in large colonies and are active at night.

What does a flying dog look like

Externally, the animal’s muzzle is similar to a dog’s, which is where their second name comes from.

The fur of Nile fruit bats is short, grayish-brown in color, and several shades lighter on the belly.


In males, on the front of the neck there are glands that secrete an odorous secretion; in these places the fur has a brownish-red color.

How are bats different from flying dogs

The flying dog is a fruit bat. In addition, it is customary to call all bats, except fruit bats, bats.

So no, a bat dog is not a bat. In terms of diet, flying dogs, like almost all other fruit bats, feed on fruit.

What do flying dogs eat

Diet: They feed on fruits, with most of their diet consisting of unripe fruits damaged by insects or fungi.

In search of food, animals fly up to 40 km per night.

Favorite food is figs, then oranges, dates, bananas and young carob leaves.

Artificial intelligence was able to determine from recordings of sounds made by Egyptian flying dogs what the animals were communicating about.

In addition, the algorithm guessed which individual was making sounds and to whom it was addressing.

The work was published in Scientific Reports.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What does a flying dog look like
  2. How are bats different from flying dogs
  3. What do flying dogs eat